Walker African American Museum and Research Center

Walker African American Museum and Research Center

The Oldest Black History Museum in Vegas

The Black History Museum in Las Vegas is called the Walker African American Museum & Research Center. The museum was founded by Gwen Walker. For over 40 years she has been collecting and preserving memorabilia. The museum collection now includes over 20,000 pieces of information, that tell the story of the journey of black people in Las Vegas.  
Walker African American History Museum

Throughout the years, the museum has experienced several challenges that has prevented the black history museum from developing into a mainstream city attraction, it has still become a staple in the local community.

Currently, the museum is temporarily closed to the public. However, you can still check out some of the pieces and get valuable information online through the museums Facebook page. Click the link to get more info https://www.facebook.com/walkeraamuseum705/

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